ic_bus 41

Chester - Whitchurch

via Christleton, Waverton, Tattenhall and Malpas
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1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

28 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 28 days.

28 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 28 days.

7 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 7 days.

7 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 7 days.

Annual: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 year.

Route Guide

  • Chester Bus Interchange
  • Foregate Street Stop DD, Chester
  • Foregate Street Stop HH, Chester
  • Hoole Way, Chester
  • Railway Station, Chester
  • Canal Bridge, Chester
  • Steam Mill Street, Boughton
  • Health Centre, Boughton
  • St Paul's Church, Boughton
  • Cecil Street, Boughton
  • Shops, Boughton
  • The Peacock, Boughton
  • Moorcroft Avenue, Boughton Heath
  • Belgrave Road, Boughton Heath
  • Ramada Hotel, Christleton
  • Christleton Hall
  • Village Hall, Christleton
  • High School, Christleton
  • The Plough PH, Brown Heath
  • Capesthorne Road, Brown Heath
  • Millway Shops, Waverton
  • Fox Lane, Waverton
  • Post Office, Waverton
  • Antique Shop, Waverton
  • Post Office, Hatton Heath
  • Stone Cottage, Hatton Heath
  • Gatesheath Lane End
  • Smithy Bus Shelter, Gatesheath
  • Poplar Croft, Newton
  • Crossroads, Tattenhall
  • Greenlands, Tattenhall
  • Park Avenue, Tattenhall
  • Post Office, Tattenhall
  • Rocky Lane, Tattenhall
  • Gifford Lea, Tattenhall
  • Russia Hall, Tattenhall
  • Clayley Hall, Handley
  • Chapel Lane, Milton Green
  • Handley Junction
  • Picnic Area, Broxton
  • Holywell Lane, Clutton
  • Cock O' Barton PH
  • Beechfield, Stretton
  • Stretton Hall
  • Grafton Lodge, Stretton
  • Carden Arms PH, Tilston
  • Hobb Hill Farm
  • Duckington Crossroads
  • Edge Crossroads
  • Market House, Hampton Heath
  • Post Office Lane, Hampton Heath
  • Cemetery, Malpas
  • Crest, Malpas
  • Primary School, Malpas
  • Jubilee Hall, Malpas
  • Old Hall Street, Malpas
  • Far Meadow, No Mans Heath
  • Macefen Church, Bell o th Hill
  • Vicarage, Bell o th Hill
  • Horse & Jocky PH, Grindley Brook
  • Grindley Brook Locks
  • Sainsbury's, Whitchurch
  • Smithfield Shopping Centre, Whitchurch
  • Bus Station, Whitchurch
  • Bus Station, Whitchurch
  • Smithfield Shopping Centre, Whitchurch
  • Sainsbury's, Whitchurch
  • Pear Tree lane, Whitchurch
  • Horse & Jocky PH, Grindley Brook
  • Bridge, Grindley Brook
  • Vicarage, Bell o th Hill
  • Macefen Church, Bell o th Hill
  • Far Meadow, No Mans Heath
  • Oldhall Street, Malpas
  • Co-op Malpas
  • The Cross, Malpas
  • Primary School, Malpas
  • Crest, Malpas
  • Cemetery, Malpas
  • Bishop Heber High School, Malpas
  • Post Office Lane, Hampton Heath
  • Market House, Hampton Heath
  • Edge Crossroads
  • Duckington Crossroads
  • Hobb Hill Farm
  • Carden Arms PH, Tilston
  • Grafton Lodge, Stretton
  • Stretton Hall
  • Beechfield, Stretton
  • Cock O' Barton PH
  • Holywell Lane, Clutton
  • Picnic Area, Broxton
  • Handley Junction
  • Chapel Lane, Milton Green
  • Clayley Hall, Handley
  • Russia Hall, Tattenhall
  • Gifford Lea, Tattenhall
  • Rocky Lane, Tattenhall
  • Post Office, Tattenhall
  • Park Avenue, Tattenhall
  • Greenlands, Tattenhall
  • Crossroads, Tattenhall
  • Chester Road, Gatesheath
  • Smithy Bus Shelter, Gatesheath
  • Gatesheath Lane End
  • Stone Cottage, Hatton Heath
  • Post Office, Hatton Heath
  • Antique Shop, Waverton
  • Whitchurch Road, Waverton
  • Post Office, Waverton
  • Fox Lane, Waverton
  • Millway Shops, Waverton
  • Capesthorne Road, Brown Heath
  • The Plough PH, Brown Heath
  • High School, Christleton
  • Village Hall, Christleton
  • Christleton Hall
  • Canal Bridge Steps, Christleton
  • Ramada Hotel, Christleton
  • Belgrave Road, Boughton Heath
  • Moorcroft Avenue, Boughton Heath
  • The Peacock, Boughton
  • Shops, Boughton
  • Ingham Close, Boughton
  • St Paul's Church, Boughton
  • Health Centre, Boughton
  • The Bars, Chester
  • Canal Bridge, Chester
  • Railway Station, Chester
  • Hoole Way, Chester
  • Chester Bus Interchange


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 41 - Chester - Whitchurch

  BHS_24-25 NBHS_24-25                        
Chester Bus Interchange
Chester (Stand C)
07:35 07:40 08:00 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:00 19:00
Foregate Street Stop DD
Chester (Stop DD)
07:38 07:43 08:04 09:34 10:34 11:34 12:34 13:34 14:34 15:34 16:34 17:34 18:04 19:04
Railway Station
Chester (S1)
--- --- 08:09 09:39 10:39 11:39 12:39 13:39 14:39 15:39 16:39 17:39 18:09 19:09
High School
Christleton (SE)
--- --- 08:21 09:51 10:51 11:51 12:51 13:51 14:51 15:51 16:51 17:51 18:21 19:21
Fox Lane
Waverton (SW)
--- --- 08:26 09:56 10:56 11:56 12:56 13:56 14:56 15:56 16:56 17:56 18:26 19:26
Gifford Lea
Tattenhall (E)
--- --- --- --- 11:06 --- 13:06 --- 15:06 --- 17:06 --- --- ---
Smithy Bus Shelter
Gatesheath (SE)
07:59 08:04 08:32 10:02 --- 12:02 --- 14:02 --- 16:02 --- 18:02 18:32 19:32
Tattenhall (S)
08:03 08:08 08:36 10:06 --- 12:06 --- 14:06 --- 16:06 --- 18:06 18:36 19:36
Post Office
Tattenhall (SW)
08:06 08:11 08:39 10:09 --- 12:09 --- 14:09 --- 16:09 --- 18:09 18:39 19:39
Bishop Heber High School
Malpas (Bay 1)
08:25 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Calveley Arms
Handley (NW)
--- --- 08:46 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Picnic Area
Broxton (W)
--- --- --- 10:20 --- 12:20 --- 14:20 --- 16:20 --- 18:20 18:50 ---
Carden Arms PH
Tilston (SE)
--- --- --- 10:30 --- 12:30 --- 14:30 --- 16:30 --- 18:30 19:00 ---
Jubilee Hall
Malpas (SE)
08:28 08:28 --- 10:43 --- 12:43 --- 14:43 --- 16:43 --- 18:43 19:13 ---
Far Meadow
No Mans Heath (E)
08:35 08:35 --- 10:50 --- 12:50 --- 14:50 --- 16:50 --- 18:50 19:20 ---
Bus Station
Whitchurch (SE)
08:48 08:48 --- 11:03 --- 13:03 --- 15:03 --- 17:03 --- 19:03 --- ---

Journey notes

  • BHS_24-25
    • Service runs only during working days of Bishop Heber High Sch 2024-2025
  • NBHS_24-25
    • Service does not run during working days of Bishop Heber High Sch 2024-2025

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 41 - Whitchurch - Chester

Bus Station
Whitchurch (SE)
--- --- --- 09:12 --- 11:12 --- 13:12 --- 15:17 --- 17:12 19:12
Far Meadow
No Mans Heath (W)
--- 07:10 --- 09:25 --- 11:25 --- 13:25 --- 15:30 --- 17:25 19:25
Co-op Malpas
Malpas (Opp)
--- 07:17 --- 09:32 --- 11:32 --- 13:32 --- 15:37 --- 17:32 19:32
Bishop Heber High School
Malpas (Bay 9)
--- 07:20 --- 09:35 --- 11:35 --- 13:35 --- 15:40 --- 17:35 19:35
Carden Arms PH
Tilston (NW)
--- 07:30 --- 09:45 --- 11:45 --- 13:45 --- --- --- 17:45 19:45
Picnic Area
Broxton (E)
--- 07:39 --- 09:54 --- 11:54 --- 13:54 --- --- --- 17:54 19:54
Calveley Arms
Handley (NW)
--- --- 09:02 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Gifford Lea
Tattenhall (E)
--- 07:51 09:06 10:06 11:06 12:06 13:06 14:06 15:06 16:06 17:06 18:06 20:06
Post Office
Tattenhall (NE)
06:59 07:54 09:09 10:09 11:09 12:09 13:09 14:09 15:09 16:09 17:09 18:09 20:09
Smithy Bus Shelter
Gatesheath (NW)
07:03 07:58 09:13 10:13 11:13 12:13 13:13 14:13 15:13 16:13 17:13 18:13 20:13
Fox Lane
Waverton (cnr)
07:09 08:04 09:19 10:19 11:19 12:19 13:19 14:19 15:19 16:19 17:19 18:19 20:19
High School
Christleton (NW)
07:14 08:09 09:24 10:24 11:24 12:24 13:24 14:24 15:24 16:24 17:24 18:24 20:24
Railway Station
Chester (S5)
07:29 08:29 09:39 10:39 11:39 12:39 13:39 14:39 15:39 16:39 --- --- 20:39
Chester Bus Interchange
Chester (Stand N)
07:33 08:33 09:43 10:43 11:43 12:43 13:43 14:43 15:43 16:43 17:43 18:43 20:43

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 41 - Chester - Whitchurch

Chester Bus Interchange
Chester (Stand C)
09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:00 19:00
Foregate Street Stop DD
Chester (Stop DD)
09:34 10:34 11:34 12:34 13:34 14:34 15:34 16:34 17:34 18:04 19:04
Railway Station
Chester (S1)
09:39 10:39 11:39 12:39 13:39 14:39 15:39 16:39 17:39 18:09 19:09
High School
Christleton (SE)
09:51 10:51 11:51 12:51 13:51 14:51 15:51 16:51 17:51 18:21 19:21
Fox Lane
Waverton (SW)
09:56 10:56 11:56 12:56 13:56 14:56 15:56 16:56 17:56 18:26 19:26
Gifford Lea
Tattenhall (E)
--- 11:06 --- 13:06 --- 15:06 --- 17:06 --- --- ---
Smithy Bus Shelter
Gatesheath (SE)
10:02 --- 12:02 --- 14:02 --- 16:02 --- 18:02 18:32 19:32
Tattenhall (S)
10:06 --- 12:06 --- 14:06 --- 16:06 --- 18:06 18:36 19:36
Post Office
Tattenhall (SW)
10:09 --- 12:09 --- 14:09 --- 16:09 --- 18:09 18:39 19:39
Picnic Area
Broxton (W)
10:20 --- 12:20 --- 14:20 --- 16:20 --- 18:20 18:50 ---
Carden Arms PH
Tilston (SE)
10:30 --- 12:30 --- 14:30 --- 16:30 --- 18:30 19:00 ---
Jubilee Hall
Malpas (SE)
10:43 --- 12:43 --- 14:43 --- 16:43 --- 18:43 19:13 ---
Far Meadow
No Mans Heath (E)
10:50 --- 12:50 --- 14:50 --- 16:50 --- 18:50 19:20 ---
Bus Station
Whitchurch (SE)
11:03 --- 13:03 --- 15:03 --- 17:03 --- 19:03 --- ---

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 41 - Whitchurch - Chester

Bus Station
Whitchurch (SE)
--- 09:12 --- 11:12 --- 13:12 --- 15:12 --- 17:12 19:12
Far Meadow
No Mans Heath (W)
08:25 09:25 --- 11:25 --- 13:25 --- 15:25 --- 17:25 19:25
Co-op Malpas
Malpas (Opp)
08:32 09:32 --- 11:32 --- 13:32 --- 15:32 --- 17:32 19:32
Bishop Heber High School
Malpas (Bay 9)
08:35 09:35 --- 11:35 --- 13:35 --- 15:35 --- 17:35 19:35
Carden Arms PH
Tilston (NW)
08:45 09:45 --- 11:45 --- 13:45 --- 15:45 --- 17:45 19:45
Picnic Area
Broxton (E)
08:54 09:54 --- 11:54 --- 13:54 --- 15:54 --- 17:54 19:54
Gifford Lea
Tattenhall (E)
09:06 10:06 11:06 12:06 13:06 14:06 15:06 16:06 17:06 18:06 20:06
Post Office
Tattenhall (NE)
09:09 10:09 11:09 12:09 13:09 14:09 15:09 16:09 17:09 18:09 20:09
Smithy Bus Shelter
Gatesheath (NW)
09:13 10:13 11:13 12:13 13:13 14:13 15:13 16:13 17:13 18:13 20:13
Fox Lane
Waverton (cnr)
09:19 10:19 11:19 12:19 13:19 14:19 15:19 16:19 17:19 18:19 20:19
High School
Christleton (NW)
09:24 10:24 11:24 12:24 13:24 14:24 15:24 16:24 17:24 18:24 20:24
Railway Station
Chester (S5)
09:39 10:39 11:39 12:39 13:39 14:39 15:39 16:39 --- --- 20:39
Chester Bus Interchange
Chester (Stand N)
09:43 10:43 11:43 12:43 13:43 14:43 15:43 16:43 17:43 18:43 20:43

Generated on 20/01/2025 00:06