ic_bus 31

Crewe - Northwich

via Leighton Hospital and Winsford
View Live Service Download Timetable

Tickets & Fares

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: Crewe & Nantwich Zone

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes within the Crewe & Nantwich zone for 1 day.

1 Day: Crewe & Nantwich Zone

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes within the Crewe & Nantwich zone for 1 day.

1 Day: Crewe & Nantwich Zone

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes within the Crewe & Nantwich zone for 1 day.

1 Day: Crewe & Nantwich Zone

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes within the Crewe & Nantwich zone for 1 day.

28 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 28 days.

28 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 28 days.

28 Days: Crewe & Nantwich Zone

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes in the Crewe & Nantwich zone for 28 days.

7 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 7 days.

7 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 7 days.

7 Days: Crewe & Nantwich Zone

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes in the Crewe & Nantwich zone for 7 days.

Annual: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 year.

Annual: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 year.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: Crewe & Nantwich Zone

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes within the Crewe & Nantwich zone for 1 day.

1 Day: Crewe & Nantwich Zone

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes within the Crewe & Nantwich zone for 1 day.

1 Day: Crewe & Nantwich Zone

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes within the Crewe & Nantwich zone for 1 day.

1 Day: Crewe & Nantwich Zone

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes within the Crewe & Nantwich zone for 1 day.

28 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 28 days.

7 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 7 days.

7 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 7 days. Passengers buying an adult 7 day ticket on the bus can travel with one child at no extra charge (this offer is not available for two children travelling together).

7 Days: Crewe & Nantwich Zone

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes in the Crewe & Nantwich zone for 7 days.

Route Guide

  • Crewe Bus Station (Bay 8)
  • Hightown, Crewe
  • Roebuck Street, Crewe
  • Alban Street, Crewe
  • Cemetery, Coppenhall
  • Primary School, Coppenhall
  • The Bridge Inn, Coppenhall
  • North Street, Coppenhall
  • Post Office, Coppenhall
  • Broughton Road, Coppenhall
  • Underwood Lane, Coppenhall
  • Sheringham Drive, Coppenhall
  • Selworthy Drive, Coppenhall
  • The Merlin PH, Coppenhall
  • Parkers Road, Coppenhall
  • Leighton Hospital
  • Middlewich Road, Bradfield Green
  • Wayside, Cross Lane
  • Brookhouse Lane, Cross Lane
  • Frog Manor, Church Minshull
  • Weaver View, Church Minshull
  • Woodstock, Church Minshull
  • Mobile Home Park, Church Minshull
  • Ashbrook Bridge, Darnhall
  • Raven Inn PH, Darnhall
  • Swanlow Park Cemetery, Glebe Green
  • Moors Lane, Glebe Green
  • Mallard Way, Glebe Green
  • Swanlow Avenue, Glebe Green
  • Bentley Grove, Glebe Green
  • Vauxhall Way, Glebe Green
  • Bedford Rise, Glebe Green
  • Dover Drive, Glebe Green
  • Wolvesley Place, Glebe Green
  • Cleveland Way, Glebe Green
  • Montgomery Way, Glebe Green
  • Furness Close, Glebe Green
  • Conway Avenue, Glebe Green
  • Denbigh Drive, Glebe Green
  • Over Square
  • Police Station, Winsford
  • Guildhall, Winsford
  • Siddon Street, Winsford
  • Town Bridge, Winsford
  • Wesley Court, Wharton
  • Wharton Gardens
  • Morrisons Distribution Centre, Wharton Green
  • Industrial Estate Roundabout, Wharton Green
  • Beehive Corner, Moulton
  • Fairholme Road, Mere Heath
  • Jack Lane, Mere Heath
  • Whittington Gardens, Davenham
  • Fountain Lane, Davenham
  • Green Lane, Davenham
  • London Road, Leftwich
  • The Elms, Leftwich
  • Lime Avenue, Leftwich
  • Kingsley Drive, Leftwich
  • Bowling Green Inn, Northwich
  • Railway Arch, Northwich
  • Waitrose, Northwich
  • Interchange, Northwich
  • Interchange, Northwich
  • Railway Arch, Northwich
  • Bowling Green Inn, Northwich
  • Kingsley Drive, Leftwich
  • Old Hall Road, Leftwich
  • Old Post Office, Leftwich
  • Woodpecker Drive, Leftwich
  • Green Lane, Davenham
  • Bull's Head, Davenham
  • Fountain Lane, Davenham
  • Whittington Gardens, Davenham
  • London Road, Mere Heath
  • Fairholme Road, Mere Heath
  • Beehive Corner, Moulton
  • Industrial Estate Roundabout, Wharton Green
  • Morrisons Distribution Centre, Wharton Green
  • Wharton Gardens
  • Ledward Street, Wharton
  • Town Bridge, Winsford
  • Siddon Street, Winsford
  • Library, Winsford
  • Well Street, Winsford
  • Over Square
  • Denbigh Drive, Glebe Green
  • Conway Avenue, Glebe Green
  • Brecon Way, Glebe Green
  • Launceston Close, Glebe Green
  • Lulworth Close, Glebe Green
  • Caernarvon Avenue, Glebe Green
  • The Loont, Glebe Green
  • Bedford Rise, Glebe Green
  • Vauxhall Way, Glebe Green
  • Bentley Grove, Glebe Green
  • Swanlow Avenue, Glebe Green
  • Nightingale Court, Glebe Green
  • Mallard Way, Glebe Green
  • Moors Lane, Glebe Green
  • Swanlow Park Cemetery, Glebe Green
  • Raven Inn PH, Darnhall
  • Ashbrook Bridge, Darnhall
  • Mobile Home Park, Church Minshull
  • Woodstock, Church Minshull
  • Frog Manor, Church Minshull
  • Brookhouse Lane, Cross Lane
  • Wayside, Cross Lane
  • Middlewich Road, Bradfield Green
  • Leighton Hospital
  • Parkers Road, Coppenhall
  • The Merlin PH, Coppenhall
  • Selworthy Drive, Coppenhall
  • Sheringham Drive, Coppenhall
  • Underwood Lane, Coppenhall
  • Broughton Road, Coppenhall
  • Post Office, Coppenhall
  • North Street, Coppenhall
  • The Bridge Inn, Coppenhall
  • Cemetery, Coppenhall
  • Alban Street, Crewe
  • Roebuck Street, Crewe
  • Browning Street, Crewe
  • Crewe Bus Station (Bay 8)


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 31 - Crewe - Northwich

Crewe Bus Station (Bay 8)
05:40 06:45 07:50 09:03 10:03 11:03 12:03 13:03 14:03 15:13 16:23 17:33 18:18 19:08
Leighton Hospital
Leighton (NW)
05:54 06:59 08:13 09:17 10:17 11:17 12:17 13:17 14:17 15:27 16:39 17:49 18:32 19:22
Frog Manor
Church Minshull (N)
05:59 07:07 08:21 09:22 10:22 11:22 12:22 13:22 14:22 15:37 16:49 18:01 18:37 19:27
Bedford Rise
Glebe Green (NW)
06:08 07:18 08:32 09:31 10:31 11:31 12:31 13:31 14:31 15:46 16:58 18:10 18:46 19:36
Winsford (E) Arrive
06:17 07:27 08:41 09:40 10:40 11:40 12:40 13:40 14:40 15:55 17:07 18:19 18:55 19:45
Winsford (E) Depart
06:20 07:30 08:44 09:43 10:43 11:43 12:43 13:43 14:43 15:58 17:10 18:22 18:58 ---
Wharton Gardens
Wharton (N)
06:27 07:37 08:52 09:50 10:50 11:50 12:50 13:50 14:50 16:05 17:17 18:29 19:05 ---
Beehive Corner
Moulton (NE-bound)
06:32 07:42 08:57 09:55 10:55 11:55 12:55 13:55 14:55 16:10 17:22 18:34 19:10 ---
The Elms
Leftwich (N-bound)
06:39 07:49 09:04 10:02 11:02 12:02 13:02 14:02 15:02 16:17 17:29 18:41 19:17 ---
Northwich (Stand G)
06:45 07:55 09:10 10:08 11:08 12:08 13:08 14:08 15:08 16:23 17:35 18:47 19:23 ---

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 31 - Northwich - Crewe

Northwich (Stand G)
06:20 07:35 08:50 09:50 10:50 11:50 12:50 13:50 14:55 16:00 17:15 18:25
Woodpecker Drive
Leftwich (cnr)
06:26 07:41 08:56 09:56 10:56 11:56 12:56 13:56 15:01 16:09 17:21 18:31
Beehive Corner
Moulton (SE-bound)
06:31 07:46 09:01 10:01 11:01 12:01 13:01 14:01 15:06 16:16 17:26 18:36
Wharton Gardens
Wharton (S)
06:40 07:55 09:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 15:15 16:25 17:35 18:45
Winsford (W) Arrive
06:44 08:01 09:14 10:14 11:14 12:14 13:14 14:14 15:19 16:29 17:39 18:49
Winsford (W) Depart
06:46 08:03 09:16 10:16 11:16 12:16 13:16 14:16 15:21 16:31 17:41 18:51
Bedford Rise
Glebe Green (cnr)
06:55 08:12 09:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 13:25 14:25 15:30 16:40 17:50 19:00
Frog Manor
Church Minshull (S)
07:04 08:21 09:34 10:34 11:34 12:34 13:34 14:34 15:39 16:49 17:59 19:09
Leighton Hospital
Leighton (NW)
07:16 08:33 09:46 10:46 11:46 12:46 13:46 14:46 15:51 17:01 18:11 19:21
Crewe Bus Station (Bay 8)
07:28 08:45 09:58 10:58 11:58 12:58 13:58 14:58 16:03 17:13 18:23 19:33

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 31 - Crewe - Northwich

Crewe Bus Station (Bay 8)
06:50 07:50 09:03 10:03 11:03 12:03 13:03 14:03 15:03 16:03 17:03 18:08 19:08
Leighton Hospital
Leighton (NW)
07:04 08:04 09:17 10:17 11:17 12:17 13:17 14:17 15:17 16:17 17:17 18:22 19:22
Frog Manor
Church Minshull (N)
07:09 08:09 09:22 10:22 11:22 12:22 13:22 14:22 15:22 16:22 17:22 18:27 19:27
Bedford Rise
Glebe Green (NW)
07:18 08:18 09:31 10:31 11:31 12:31 13:31 14:31 15:31 16:31 17:31 18:36 19:36
Winsford (E) Arrive
07:27 08:27 09:40 10:40 11:40 12:40 13:40 14:40 15:40 16:40 17:40 18:45 19:45
Winsford (E) Depart
07:30 08:30 09:43 10:43 11:43 12:43 13:43 14:43 15:43 16:43 17:43 18:48 ---
Wharton Gardens
Wharton (N)
07:37 08:37 09:50 10:50 11:50 12:50 13:50 14:50 15:50 16:50 17:50 18:55 ---
Beehive Corner
Moulton (NE-bound)
07:42 08:42 09:55 10:55 11:55 12:55 13:55 14:55 15:55 16:55 17:55 19:00 ---
The Elms
Leftwich (N-bound)
07:49 08:50 10:02 11:02 12:02 13:02 14:02 15:02 16:02 17:02 18:02 19:07 ---
Northwich (Stand G)
07:55 08:56 10:08 11:08 12:08 13:08 14:08 15:08 16:08 17:08 18:08 19:13 ---

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 31 - Northwich - Crewe

Northwich (Stand G)
--- 07:35 08:50 09:50 10:50 11:50 12:50 13:50 14:50 15:50 16:50 17:50 18:50
Woodpecker Drive
Leftwich (cnr)
--- 07:41 08:56 09:56 10:56 11:56 12:56 13:56 14:56 15:56 16:56 17:56 18:56
Beehive Corner
Moulton (SE-bound)
--- 07:46 09:01 10:01 11:01 12:01 13:01 14:01 15:01 16:01 17:01 18:01 19:01
Wharton Gardens
Wharton (S)
--- 07:55 09:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 15:10 16:10 17:10 18:10 19:10
Winsford (W) Arrive
--- 07:59 09:14 10:14 11:14 12:14 13:14 14:14 15:14 16:14 17:14 18:14 19:14
Winsford (W) Depart
07:01 08:01 09:16 10:16 11:16 12:16 13:16 14:16 15:16 16:16 17:16 18:16 ---
Bedford Rise
Glebe Green (cnr)
07:10 08:10 09:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 13:25 14:25 15:25 16:25 17:25 18:25 ---
Frog Manor
Church Minshull (S)
07:19 08:19 09:34 10:34 11:34 12:34 13:34 14:34 15:34 16:34 17:34 18:34 ---
Leighton Hospital
Leighton (NW)
07:31 08:31 09:46 10:46 11:46 12:46 13:46 14:46 15:46 16:46 17:46 18:46 ---
Crewe Bus Station (Bay 8)
07:43 08:43 09:58 10:58 11:58 12:58 13:58 14:58 15:58 16:58 17:58 18:58 ---

Generated on 03/12/2024 00:45