ic_bus 1

ic_bus 1A

ic_bus 11

Meir - Park Site

via Longton, Stoke, Royal Stoke University Hospital, Newcastle and Silverdale
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Service Information

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Tickets & Fares

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 day.

1 Day: Stoke Smart Zone

Unlimited travel on all operators' routes within the Stoke Smart zone for 1 day.

1 Day: Stoke Smart Zone

Unlimited travel on all operators' routes within the Stoke Smart zone for 1 day.

28 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 28 days.

28 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 28 days.

30 Days: Stoke Smart Zone

Unlimited travel on all operators' routes within the Stoke Smart zone for 30 days.

30 Days: Stoke Smart Zone

Unlimited travel on all operators' routes within the Stoke Smart zone for 30 days.

7 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 7 days.

7 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 7 days.

7 Days: Stoke Smart Zone

Unlimited travel on all operators' routes within the Stoke Smart zone for 7 days.

7 Days: Stoke Smart Zone

Unlimited travel on all operators' routes within the Stoke Smart zone for 7 days.

90 Days: Stoke Smart Zone

Unlimited travel on all operators' routes within the Stoke Smart zone for 90 days.

90 Days: Stoke Smart Zone

Unlimited travel on all operators' routes within the Stoke Smart zone for 90 days.

Annual: All Routes

Unlimited travel on all D&G Bus routes for 1 year.

Annual: Stoke Smart Zone

Unlimited travel on all operators' routes within the Stoke Smart zone for 1 year.

Annual: Stoke Smart Zone

Unlimited travel on all operators' routes within the Stoke Smart zone for 1 year.

Route Guide

  • Kents Lane, Silverdale
  • Droitwich Close, Silverdale
  • Bath Road, Silverdale
  • Cheddar Drive, Silverdale
  • Matlock Place, Silverdale
  • Pepper Street, Silverdale
  • The Bush Inn, Silverdale
  • West Street, Silverdale
  • The Parade, Silverdale
  • Earl Street, Silverdale
  • Social Centre, Silverdale
  • Newcastle Street, Silverdale
  • Ellams Place, Knutton
  • Knutton Lane link
  • Newcastle College, Knutton
  • Bailey Street, Newcastle Town Centre
  • Bus Station, Newcastle Town Centre
  • Cherry Tree PH, Newcastle Under Lyme
  • The Avenue, Newcastle Under Lyme
  • Chapel, Royal Stoke University Hospital
  • main entrance link, Royal Stoke University Hospital
  • Albany Road, Hartshill
  • The Avenue, Hartshill
  • Nelson Road, Hartshill
  • Holy Trinity Church, Hartshill
  • Quarry Road, Hartshill
  • Tolkien Way, Stoke-upon-Trent
  • stop Z, Stoke-upon-Trent
  • stop I, Stoke-upon-Trent
  • stop M, Stoke-upon-Trent
  • Lytton Street, Stoke-upon-Trent
  • Fenton Manor
  • Smithpool Road, Fenton
  • Christchurch Street, Fenton
  • Victoria Place, Fenton
  • Duke of Wellington, Fenton
  • Duke Street, Fenton
  • Berdmore Street, Fenton
  • Foley Arms, Fenton
  • March Road, Longton
  • Bus Station, Longton
  • Market Street, Longton
  • Longton Police Station
  • Landon Street, Longton
  • Adderley Works, Longton
  • Weston Coyney Road, Meir Hay
  • Tunnicliffe Close, Meir Hay
  • Farnworth Road, Meir Hay
  • Westonfields Drive, Weston Coyney
  • Westfield Lodge, Weston Coyney
  • Carberry Way, Weston Coyney
  • New Kingsway, Weston Coyney
  • Coyney Grove, Weston Coyney
  • Weston Road, Meir
  • Lansbury Grove, Meir
  • Snowden Way, Meir
  • Beveridge Close, Meir
  • Stansmore Road, Meir
  • Meir Square
  • Brownfield Road, Meir
  • Penfleet Avenue, Meir
  • Late Shop, Meir
  • Broadway, Meir
  • Longton Police Station
  • Landon Street, Longton
  • Adderley Works, Longton
  • Weston Coyney Road, Meir Hay
  • Tunnicliffe Close, Meir Hay
  • Farnworth Road, Meir Hay
  • Westonfields Drive, Weston Coyney
  • Westfield Lodge, Weston Coyney
  • Carberry Way, Weston Coyney
  • New Kingsway, Weston Coyney
  • Coyney Grove, Weston Coyney
  • Weston Road, Meir
  • Lansbury Grove, Meir
  • Snowden Way, Meir
  • Beveridge Close, Meir
  • Stansmore Road, Meir
  • Meir Square
  • Brownfield Road, Meir
  • Penfleet Avenue, Meir
  • Late Shop, Meir
  • Broadway, Meir
  • stop B, Longton
  • stop C, Longton
  • Bus Station, Longton
  • stop E, Longton
  • Foley Arms, Fenton
  • Royal Street, Fenton
  • Duke Street, Fenton
  • Victoria Place, Fenton
  • Travers Court, Fenton
  • Smithpool Road, Fenton
  • Fenton Manor
  • Lytton Street, Stoke-upon-Trent
  • stop Q, Stoke-upon-Trent
  • stop K, Stoke-upon-Trent
  • St Andrew's Square, Stoke-upon-Trent
  • Higson Avenue, Stoke-upon-Trent
  • Richmond Street, Stoke-upon-Trent
  • Quarry Road, Hartshill
  • Holy Trinity Church, Hartshill
  • Nelson Road, Hartshill
  • The Avenue, Hartshill
  • Albany Road, Hartshill
  • Hilton Road, Hartshill
  • main entrance link, Royal Stoke University Hospital
  • Chapel, Royal Stoke University Hospital
  • The Avenue, Newcastle Under Lyme
  • Cherry Tree PH, Newcastle Under Lyme
  • Bus Station, Newcastle Town Centre
  • Merrial Street, Newcastle Town Centre
  • Ryecroft, Newcastle Town Centre
  • Bailey Street, Newcastle Town Centre
  • Newcastle College, Knutton
  • Knutton Lane link
  • Ellams Place, Knutton
  • Newcastle Street, Silverdale
  • Social Centre, Silverdale
  • Earl Street, Silverdale
  • The Parade, Silverdale
  • West Street, Silverdale
  • The Bush Inn, Silverdale
  • Pepper Street, Silverdale
  • Kents Lane, Silverdale
  • Droitwich Close, Silverdale
  • Bath Road, Silverdale
  • Cheddar Drive, Silverdale


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 1 - Park Site - Meir

Kents Lane
Silverdale (NW)
06:03 06:33 07:03 08:03 09:03 10:08 11:08 12:08 13:08 14:08 15:08 16:08 17:13 18:23 18:53
Cheddar Drive
Silverdale (SE)
06:06 06:36 07:06 08:06 09:06 10:11 11:11 12:11 13:11 14:11 15:11 16:11 17:16 18:26 18:56
The Parade
Silverdale (E)
06:10 06:40 07:10 08:10 09:10 10:15 11:15 12:15 13:15 14:15 15:15 16:15 17:20 18:30 19:00
Bus Station
Newcastle Town Centre (Stand 10) Arrive
06:20 06:50 07:20 08:25 09:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 13:25 14:25 15:25 16:30 17:35 18:40 19:10
Bus Station
Newcastle Town Centre (Stand 10) Depart
06:25 06:55 07:25 08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:35 17:40 18:45 19:20
main entrance link
Royal Stoke University Hospital (NE)
06:30 07:00 07:30 08:35 09:35 10:35 11:35 12:35 13:35 14:35 15:35 16:40 17:45 18:50 19:25
stop M
Stoke-upon-Trent (SE)
06:40 07:10 07:40 08:45 09:45 10:45 11:45 12:45 13:45 14:45 15:45 16:50 17:55 19:00 19:35
Bus Station
Longton (stand 6) Arrive
06:51 07:21 07:51 08:56 09:56 10:56 11:56 12:56 13:56 14:56 15:56 17:05 18:06 19:11 19:46
Bus Station
Longton (stand 6) Depart
06:53 07:23 07:53 08:58 09:58 10:58 11:58 12:58 13:58 14:58 15:58 17:08 18:08 19:13 19:48
Longton Police Station
Longton (SE)
06:56 07:26 07:56 09:01 10:01 11:01 12:01 13:01 14:01 15:01 16:01 17:11 18:11 19:16 19:51
Meir Square
Meir (W)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 18:22 19:27 20:02
Meir (W)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 18:26 19:31 20:06

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 1 - Meir - Park Site

Longton Police Station
Longton (SE)
04:56 05:26 05:56 06:56 07:56 09:01 10:01 11:01 12:01 13:01 14:01 15:01 16:01 17:11 17:41
Tunnicliffe Close
Meir Hay (E)
04:58 05:28 05:58 06:58 07:58 09:03 10:03 11:03 12:03 13:03 14:03 15:03 16:03 17:13 17:43
Meir Square
Meir (W)
05:07 05:37 06:07 07:07 08:07 09:12 10:12 11:12 12:12 13:12 14:12 15:12 16:12 17:22 17:52
Meir (W)
05:11 05:41 06:11 07:11 08:11 09:16 10:16 11:16 12:16 13:16 14:16 15:16 16:16 17:26 17:56
Bus Station
Longton (stand 9) Arrive
05:19 05:49 06:19 07:19 08:19 09:24 10:24 11:24 12:24 13:24 14:24 15:24 16:24 17:34 18:04
Bus Station
Longton (stand 9) Depart
05:21 05:51 06:21 07:21 08:21 09:26 10:26 11:26 12:26 13:26 14:26 15:26 16:26 17:36 18:06
stop Q
Stoke-upon-Trent (NW)
05:33 06:03 06:33 07:33 08:33 09:38 10:38 11:38 12:38 13:38 14:38 15:38 16:40 17:50 18:20
main entrance link
Royal Stoke University Hospital (SW)
05:42 06:12 06:42 07:42 08:42 09:47 10:47 11:47 12:47 13:47 14:47 15:47 16:50 18:00 18:30
Bus Station
Newcastle Town Centre (Stand 14) Arrive
05:49 06:19 06:49 07:49 08:49 09:54 10:54 11:54 12:54 13:54 14:54 15:54 16:58 18:08 18:38
Bus Station
Newcastle Town Centre (Stand 14) Depart
05:51 06:21 06:51 07:51 08:51 09:56 10:56 11:56 12:56 13:56 14:56 15:56 17:01 18:11 18:41
The Parade
Silverdale (W)
06:01 06:31 07:01 08:01 09:01 10:06 11:06 12:06 13:06 14:06 15:06 16:06 17:11 18:21 18:51
Kents Lane
Silverdale (NW)
06:03 06:33 07:03 08:03 09:03 10:08 11:08 12:08 13:08 14:08 15:08 16:08 17:13 18:23 18:53

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 1 - Park Site - Meir

Kents Lane
Silverdale (NW)
08:08 09:08 10:08 11:08 12:08 13:08 14:08 15:08 16:08 17:08
Cheddar Drive
Silverdale (SE)
08:11 09:11 10:11 11:11 12:11 13:11 14:11 15:11 16:11 17:11
The Parade
Silverdale (E)
08:15 09:15 10:15 11:15 12:15 13:15 14:15 15:15 16:15 17:15
Bus Station
Newcastle Town Centre (Stand 10) Arrive
08:25 09:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 13:25 14:25 15:25 16:25 17:25
Bus Station
Newcastle Town Centre (Stand 10) Depart
08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30
main entrance link
Royal Stoke University Hospital (NE)
08:35 09:35 10:35 11:35 12:35 13:35 14:35 15:35 16:35 17:35
stop M
Stoke-upon-Trent (SE)
08:45 09:45 10:45 11:45 12:45 13:45 14:45 15:45 16:45 17:45
Bus Station
Longton (stand 6) Arrive
08:56 09:56 10:56 11:56 12:56 13:56 14:56 15:56 16:56 17:56
Bus Station
Longton (stand 6) Depart
08:58 09:58 10:58 11:58 12:58 13:58 14:58 15:58 16:58 17:58
Longton Police Station
Longton (SE)
09:01 10:01 11:01 12:01 13:01 14:01 15:01 16:01 17:01 18:01
Meir Square
Meir (W)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 18:12
Meir (W)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 18:16

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 1 - Meir - Park Site

Longton Police Station
Longton (SE)
08:01 09:01 10:01 11:01 12:01 13:01 14:01 15:01 16:01 16:31
Tunnicliffe Close
Meir Hay (E)
08:03 09:03 10:03 11:03 12:03 13:03 14:03 15:03 16:03 16:33
Meir Square
Meir (W)
08:12 09:12 10:12 11:12 12:12 13:12 14:12 15:12 16:12 16:42
Meir (W)
08:16 09:16 10:16 11:16 12:16 13:16 14:16 15:16 16:16 16:46
Bus Station
Longton (stand 9) Arrive
08:24 09:24 10:24 11:24 12:24 13:24 14:24 15:24 16:24 16:54
Bus Station
Longton (stand 9) Depart
08:26 09:26 10:26 11:26 12:26 13:26 14:26 15:26 16:26 16:56
stop Q
Stoke-upon-Trent (NW)
08:38 09:38 10:38 11:38 12:38 13:38 14:38 15:38 16:38 17:08
main entrance link
Royal Stoke University Hospital (SW)
08:47 09:47 10:47 11:47 12:47 13:47 14:47 15:47 16:47 17:17
Bus Station
Newcastle Town Centre (Stand 14) Arrive
08:54 09:54 10:54 11:54 12:54 13:54 14:54 15:54 16:54 17:24
Bus Station
Newcastle Town Centre (Stand 14) Depart
08:56 09:56 10:56 11:56 12:56 13:56 14:56 15:56 16:56 17:26
The Parade
Silverdale (W)
09:06 10:06 11:06 12:06 13:06 14:06 15:06 16:06 17:06 17:36
Kents Lane
Silverdale (NW)
09:08 10:08 11:08 12:08 13:08 14:08 15:08 16:08 17:08 17:38
Cheddar Drive
Silverdale (SE)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 17:41

Print Timetable Go to top Sunday - 1 - Park Site - Meir

Council Offices
Audley (W)
09:15 10:15 11:15 12:15 13:15 15:15 16:15 17:15
Scot Hay Road
Alsagers Bank (SE)
09:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 13:25 15:25 16:25 17:25
Cheddar Drive
Silverdale (SE)
09:31 10:31 11:31 12:31 13:31 15:31 16:31 17:31
The Parade
Silverdale (E)
09:34 10:34 11:34 12:34 13:34 15:34 16:34 17:34
Bus Station
Newcastle Town Centre
09:42 10:42 11:42 12:42 13:42 15:42 16:42 17:42

Print Timetable Go to top Sunday - 1 - Meir - Park Site

Bus Station
Newcastle Town Centre (Stand 14)
09:45 10:45 11:45 12:45 14:45 15:45 16:45 17:45
The Parade
Silverdale (W)
09:56 10:56 11:56 12:56 14:56 15:56 16:56 17:56
Cheddar Drive
Silverdale (N)
09:59 10:59 11:59 12:59 14:59 15:59 16:59 17:59
Scot Hay Road
Alsagers Bank (NW)
10:05 11:05 12:05 13:05 15:05 16:05 17:05 18:05
Council Offices
Audley (E)
10:15 11:15 12:15 13:15 15:15 16:15 17:15 18:15

Generated on 27/01/2025 01:42